
In the School of the Casas Novas Equestrian Centre, Horse Riding lessons are taught in four levels: begginner, advanced, jumping, and advanced jumping. Under the supervision of teachers and instructors, both children and adults learn not only how to ride, but also enjoying the teamwork and knowing our great friend the horse.
  • Classes for children from 5 to 8 years old.
  • Classes for adults.
  • Jumping classes.
  • Advanced jumping classes.
  • Special classes (Advanced Therapeutical Horse Riding)
In addition to the lessons for children and adults, Casas Novas hosts periodically some other activities, such as gallop exams, gymkhanas or special classes. In the following list, you can check more information (in Spanish) on the activities that have been held lately.
Here are all the forms (in Spanish) that our members may need to request any change, as well as forms for the Spanish Horse Riding Federation.